Freitag, 20. Dezember 2013

Montana Increases Slaughter of Wolves Perceived as a Potential Threat

Montana's brutal and aggressive policies against wolves have reached a new high of irresponsibility, as new bill amendments will allow landowners to kill a wolf on their property by simply claiming that they perceived the wolf to be a "potential threat" to human safety, livestock or dogs.
The new rules will also permit setting year-round traps for problem wolves, which will increase suffering and death of wolves and cause indiscriminate killing of 'non-target' species.
Since delisting, nearly 500 gray wolves have been officially killed in Montana by hunting and trapping. The only commitment Montana’s state wildlife agency, Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) has made to gray wolves is to find as many ways as possible to kill them and drive down their numbers to maintain a minimum number of 15 breeding pairs.


Quelle: In Defence of Animals Newsletter vom 19.12.13

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Casper (männlich; geb. 02.09.2019) und Kunne (weiblich; geb. 05.09.2019)

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